Most of students like you & me generally face an problem that "HOW TO CONCENTRATE ON STUDY". Actually i am not going to give you any type of boredom like tips
for studying,concentrating & whatever, Ok. I will just tell the reality of studying & make you people understand that what is concentrating study actually.                                                                             

                                         Ok so lets start, you just imagine suppose you are in a desert lost alone.Like this a first day passed  then second day passed and you are dying due to thirst as you haven't taken a drop of water since 2 days and the desert with heat.You are tired and suffering from fatigue. "THAT TIME WATER WHAT YOU WOULD DRINK BLOOD ALSO"in this way you need an BURNING DESIRE  to study.You ask yourself  how will you do it think about it. We just need to observe or       watch this life & understand it that any person doing anything in life, that may be student why is he learning,studying he is doing that for pleasure,happiness & other reason is he is doing that for avoiding pain. You just relate this things with studying that you have 2 options the first is enjoying yourself by watching some interesting videos on youtube & second is studying that subject which does not interests you. One side there is EFFORTS & other side there is COMFORT, ENJOY. So which one will our mind choose option 2 of PLEASURE & leave the option 1 of pain.But what your life will be, future will be will became by getting that pain. NO PAIN NO GAIN. So you want that control to control your mind so when you will get some motive of life for living. he motive to to do that work so mind will collect all the powers & will set in one direction.                                            

Just get inspired by your own from inside. And what is inspiration if i define it in a single line that is " I WANT TO DO SOMETHING "                                                    


  1. I think it would help many students which are lost their way in the whole pressure of study thank you!

  2. I think it would help many students which are lost their way in the whole pressure of study thank you!

    1. Thanx aditi.
      Actually i am feeling great support from you people.


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